GNY Spring Disaster Ready Summit - 2025
Wednesday, April 2

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Deployment Workshop - Getting Ready and Essential Information FILLING
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT

Charleen Turner

Deployment Regional Program Lead
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Partner Engagement Essentials LIMITED
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview

Partner Engagement Essentials is a basic level course that provides participants with the goals, methodology and steps for Red Cross workers to engage non-government partners before, during and after a disaster. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to cultivate and sustain partner relationships throughout the disaster cycle of prepare, respond and recover.
avatar for Nanci Banninger

Nanci Banninger

Vol Partner, Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Shelter Resident Transition Triage Fundamentals LIMITED
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Shelter Resident Transition Overview

The purpose of this course is to provide SRT workers, and others who will complete SRT Triage, with both an overview and in-depth understanding of SRT Triage, including:
  • Providing the background to the questions asked during SRT Triage assessments;
  • Best practices for holding a dynamic client conversation during SRT Triage;
  • How to successfully use the Shelter Client Information App (SCIA) to record SRT Triage responses; and,
  • How SRT Triage information is used to inform operational decision making and plan SRT Casework.


Siobhan McGinley

Community Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross

Gary Chin

Community Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Wednesday April 2, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Thursday, April 3

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Disability Integration: It’s not just a catchphrase LIMITED
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Driven from a review of the major failures of the Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina of 2006, a major finding was that there was a lack of inclusion and services available to individuals with disabilities resulting in additional hardship, loss of life, and lack of recovery options available to them. This course reviews The Red Cross commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind when a disaster strikes.
This course is a lively, honest, and uplifting perspective on interacting with people who have varying disabilities. It will offer concrete suggestions on how to best serve the community as a whole, while striving to make all Disaster Responders comfortable interacting with people who may have physical, communication, or intellectual differences.
Presented as a safe space to ask questions, review skills and gain new ones, disability integration is not a catchphrase, it is a way of ensuring the Red Cross message and programs reach all of our clients, while our responders are comfortable working with everyone.
avatar for Elaine Biller

Elaine Biller

Regional Instructor, American Red Cross
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Staff Services Fundamentals LIMITED
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Deployment Fundamentals for Workers Traveling Away from Home

Staff Services Fundamentals is a basic level course that is designed to inform participants how to successfully complete Staff Services tasks on a disaster operation and provide anticipatory customer service and support to assigned disaster workers. The primary focus of this course is directed toward regional staff but also provides the tools to support a larger disaster operation. The purpose of this course is to prepare disaster workers for successful completion of required Staff Services tasks on a regional disaster operation and to provide the opportunity to become familiar with the Staff Services job tools.
avatar for Rose Sayre

Rose Sayre

Regional Disaster Workforce Engagement Manager, American Red Cross
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Serving Latinos and Diverse Populations (ENGLISH) LIMITED
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Mass Care: An Overview
Everyone is Welcome
Partner Engagement Essentials
Psychological First Aid: Helping Others in Times of Stress

Serving Latinos and Diverse Populations is a basic level course that prepares volunteers and staff to understand inclusive emergency management, develop strategies to engage diverse populations in a meaningful way, build trust and increase access in diverse communities, and enhance workforce cultural competency. The purpose of this course is to prepare frontline volunteers and staff to make connections with and collaboratively engage diverse historically marginalized and underserved populations, especially Spanish-speaking communities, in a culturally and linguistically competent manner.
avatar for Maria Anguiano

Maria Anguiano

Manager, Diverse Community Investment Program, American Red Cross
Thursday April 3, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Friday, April 4

9:00am EDT

In-Person - The Mechanics of Operational Management Workshop LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Mechanics of operational management workshop
The purpose of this course is to prepare local supervisors to successfully perform required management tasks on a disaster operation. This course includes a exercise to give participants an opportunity to become familiar and practice with the operational planning tool (215), work in a DR Teams site and how to use and create an IAP.
avatar for Mike Arthur

Mike Arthur

Regional Mass Care Manager, American Red Cross
Prereqs Complete
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Hall C 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Relationship Management Skills LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Partner Engagement Essentials
Government Operations Fundamentals (be registered for this during the Summit for pre-req credit)

Relationship Management Skills is a basic level course designed to promote the development of relationship management skills at the Red Cross. Participants will engage in discussions and role plays to gain practice with the different skills and behaviors required for building, maintaining and rebuilding internal and external relationships. The course emphasizes the role that relationship management skills play in the successful planning, preparation and delivery of disaster services. The purpose of this course is to teach and provide an opportunity to practice the skills required to build, maintain, and rebuild, when necessary, valuable working relationships.
avatar for Nanci Banninger

Nanci Banninger

Vol Partner, Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Hall A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Supervising the Disaster Workforce LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Any service associate GAP

The purpose of this course is to prepare supervisors to lead a team of disaster workers to deliver high-quality client service and to create a climate that promotes worker satisfaction. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to–
  • Identify the factors that make supervising in a disaster environment unique.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor on a disaster relief operation.
  • Describe the supervisor’s role in building a team and creating worker satisfaction.
  • Identify what it takes to organize and lead a work unit.
  • Recognize situations and behaviors that require feedback, coaching or corrective measures.
  • Describe the process for providing an effective performance evaluation.


Sean MacLean

Community Disaster Program Specialist, American Red Cross
Friday April 4, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Hall B 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

1:00pm EDT

Virtual - NYC Escalating Incidents Workshop LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Join this exciting and informational session covering Response Escalation in the city that never sleeps. NYC does operational scale up unlike any other metropolitan, not just because it’s serving populations fluctuating from nearly 9 million plus residents a day but to match all the unique qualities that make it the one and only concrete jungle of its kind. All attendees can expect an engaging virtual seminar focusing on NYC Ops from experienced NYC Leaders in this interactive style training.

Uikki O’Bryant

Senior Disaster Program Manager - New York City, Red Cross

Fernando Morales

Disaster Cycle Services: (VP) Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

In-Person - Government Operations Fundamentals LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview

Government Operations Fundamentals is a basic level course that introduces the roles, responsibilities and tasks of the Red Cross government liaison. The course content is based on Government Operations doctrine. Participants engage in activities and scenarios that Red Cross government liaisons typically encounter when representing the Red Cross throughout the disaster cycle. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to work collaboratively with emergency management and other Red Cross partners throughout the disaster cycle to ensure a coordinated response that results in effective service delivery.
avatar for Nanci Banninger

Nanci Banninger

Vol Partner, Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross

Nicholas Miraglia

Community Disaster Program Manager
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Hall A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

1:00pm EDT

In-Person - Disaster Relief Operation Planning Management LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
A completed Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) is required prior to participating in this class. The participant’s supervisor or Community Disaster Program Manager must approve the Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) and forward to gny.dwe@redcross.org. See attachment!

Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Concept of Operations Basics
Disaster Relief Operations Planning Fundamentals
Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H)

Disaster Relief Operations Planning Management is an advanced level course that provides training for disaster operations planning. The purpose of this course is to teach disaster responders, especially those in Information and Planning and those working in operations at a DRO HQ, on the processes of operations planning, including service delivery planning, advance planning, incident action planning and functional planning utilizing new and updated doctrine.

Raul Rivera-Nunez

Regional Information and Planning Manager, American Red Cross
Friday April 4, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT

5:00pm EDT

Virtual - Public Affairs Essentials & Mobilize the Community LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
Get credit for two classes at once!
Public Affairs Essentials is a basic level course. The course provides a general overview for Red Cross volunteers and employees who may have contact with traditional media, or use social engagement sites such as Facebook and Instagram. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to interact with the media and share their Red Cross stories while safeguarding the privacy of the people we serve and work with after a disaster.

Mobilize the Community: An Overview is a basic level course designed to be complementary to published Doctrine: Mobilize the Community Framework and Mobilize the Community Program Essentials. It will highlight key information and provide context to stated Doctrine and not simply re-state what is written. The purpose of this course is to familiarize learners with the Mobilize the Community process as explained in the Framework and Program Essentials documents. It will help to establish a common understanding for how the Red Cross engages with a broad cross-section of the community at the national, regional and local levels by fostering connections and leveraging available resources.
avatar for Elaine Biller

Elaine Biller

Regional Instructor, American Red Cross
Friday April 4, 2025 5:00pm - 6:00pm EDT

6:00pm EDT

Virtual - Panel Discussion: Engaging the Community LIMITED
Friday April 4, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Join us for a panel discussion with local Red Crossers who do community engagement work here and on deployment!

More details and panelist information to be shared soon!
Friday April 4, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EDT
Saturday, April 5

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Feeding Activity Introduction & Feeding Activity Fundamentals LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Get credit for two Feeding courses!
Feeding Activity Introduction
Feeding Activity Introduction is a basic level course that introduces the tasks and responsibilities for disaster workers who support the Feeding Activity on a disaster relief operation (DRO). This course is also intended for Red Cross Feeding workers who are new to the Feeding Activity.

Feeding Activity Fundamentals V2
Feeding Fundamentals v2 is a basic level course for disaster responders who conduct tasks associated with Feeding when supporting disaster relief operations (DROs). The purpose of this course is to provide participants with skills and knowledge about the feeding process for disaster response at the Red Cross.

avatar for Deb Bausenwein

Deb Bausenwein

Mass Care Feeding Lead, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Hall C 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

9:00am EDT

Virtual - Disaster Public Affairs for National Relief Operations LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Public Affairs Essentials

Disaster Public Affairs For National Relief Operations is a basic level course that can be taught virtually or in-person. This course explores how public affairs workers tell the Red Cross disaster relief story, principles for initiating and maintaining a public affairs response and key disaster messages.
The course is intended for Red Cross responders with a professional background or training in public affairs, media relations, journalism and related fields who are interested in serving in the Public Affairs Activity on national Red Cross relief operations as Service Associates or Supervisors. Additionally, it may be required for responders pursuing a position in an external relations function.
The purpose of this course is to prepare public affairs workers for deployment on national disaster relief operations by giving them the tools and resources to be successful. It provides a high level of awareness for how public affairs is handled for those who are pursuing an external relation position.

avatar for Desiree Reiner

Desiree Reiner

Regional External Affairs Officer, American Red Cross

Stephanie Arcangelo

Division Communications Director
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm EDT

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Integrated Care Condolence Team Fundamentals LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Responders from:
Disaster Health Services
Disaster Mental Health
Disaster Spiritual Care
Casework and Recovery Planning
Other functions that may be involved in requesting or deploying Integrated Care Condolence Teams. (Response/DAT, Duty Officers, Mass Care).

Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
(Note: Learners should already be Disaster Cycle Services workers in Disaster Health Services, Disaster Mental Health, Casework and Recovery Planning, or Disaster Spiritual Care and have completed the appropriate training for their respective activity).

Integrated Care Condolence Team Fundamentals supports the standards and procedures and highlights the unique aspects of working as a team to provide services to families and friends of missing, injured and deceased loved ones. The purpose of this course is to train current disaster responders in Casework and Recovery Planning, Disaster Health Services, Disaster Mental Health and Disaster Spiritual Care on the Integrated Care Condolence Team (ICCT) Standards and Procedures, and to provide guidance and best practices for working in an integrated care condolence team environment.

Roy Burnham

Disaster Mental Health MN, American Red Cross
avatar for Margaret Sukhram

Margaret Sukhram

Staff Health Lead- DHS MN, American Red Cross
Dr. Margaret Sukhram’s professional career spans over forty years as a Nurse Practitioner in Women’s Health,professor of nursing, educator, clinician, and administrator, as well as an avid volunteer with the AmericanRed Cross and other agencies, and a Health Consultant for a variety... Read More →
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 2:00pm EDT
1A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Facilitative Leadership Skills for Mobilizing the Community LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Prerequisite TrainingDisaster Cycle Services: An Overview (Required)
Mobilize the Community Overview (Required)
Collaborating Essentials (Recommended)

Facilitative Leadership Skills for Mobilizing the Community is a virtual and instructor-led professional development course. It discusses what is meant by the term facilitative leadership in the Red Cross context, as well as the challenges associated with being a facilitative leader. Participants examine some of the theories and practices relevant to facilitation and then apply them to situations in which they are asked to mobilize the community. Role plays that center around working with stakeholders and partners give participants a chance to apply models for interest-based problem solving and intervention. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to be effective facilitative leaders when mobilizing the community to meet client and community disaster-caused needs.
avatar for Nanci Banninger

Nanci Banninger

Vol Partner, Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross

Brian Gerber

Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Hall B 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Operations Management: Intermediate LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - Sunday April 6, 2025 5:00pm EDT
A completed Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) is required prior to participating in this class. The participant’s supervisor or Community Disaster Program Manager must approve the Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) and forward to gny.dwe@redcross.org. See attachment!

Disaster Relief Operation Planning Fundamentals
Supervising the Disaster Workforce
Collaborating Essentials
Concept of Operations Intermediate
Disaster Relief Operations Planning Management

Operations Management: Intermediate is an advanced level disaster leadership course. This course is intended for all disaster leaders and is designed for learners to apply concepts and develop their understanding of the Concept of Operations in a no-fault environment to manage up to Level 4 Disaster Relief Operations.
This course is the intermediate tier of the ConOps training strategy for training our workforce to manage Level 3 and 4 operations. The purpose of this course is to prepare disaster leaders to successfully apply the Concept of Operations, required processes, best practices and leadership principles to successfully lead a disaster operation.


John Cascone

Deputy Regional Disaster Officer, American Red Cross

Dario Diaz

Regional Disaster Officer, American Red Cross
avatar for Rose Sayre

Rose Sayre

Regional Disaster Workforce Engagement Manager, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 9:00am - Sunday April 6, 2025 5:00pm EDT
Hall A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

10:00am EDT

Virtual - Disaster Event-Based Volunteers Workshop/Tabletop Discussion LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
This Discussion Based Exercise is open for those interested in obtaining/ have a Disaster Event Based Volunteer Activity Service Associate Group/ Activity/ Position or higher.
Discussion will include:
  • Transitioning to a Disaster Relief Operation
  • How our Disaster Event Based Volunteer Plan is activated
  • What are the different roles you are able to do with your DEBV GAP and how they work together 

Catherine Esposito

Regional Training & Exercise Manager, American Red Cross

Andrew Sindell

Manager-Volunteer Recruitment, American Red Cross

Sean McKee

Engagement Specialist, Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT

10:00am EDT

Virtual - Shelter Resident Transition Casework Operations LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT
A completed Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) is required prior to participating in this class. The participant’s supervisor or Community Disaster Program Manager must approve the Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) and forward to gny.dwe@redcross.org. See attachment!

Shelter Resident Transition Overview
Shelter Resident Transition Triage Fundamentals

Shelter Resident Transition Casework Operations is a basic level, instructor-led or virtual-instructor-led course that brings together learnings from Shelter Resident Transition Overview and Shelter Resident Transition Triage Fundamentals to provide an in-depth look at Shelter Resident Transition (SRT) Casework. This includes the goals of SRT, as well as how SRT fits into Mission Adaptation Outcomes and the Disaster Services 5-Year Vision. Furthermore, participants will learn about the cycle they will work through with a family, key information to capture about a household, and the services provided through SRT Casework to create complete Shelter Resident Transition plans. Participants will also partake in scenario-based learning to apply their learnings to real-life scenarios.

Siobhan McGinley

Community Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross

Gary Chin

Community Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

En persona - Al servicio de los latinos y las poblaciones diversas (SPANISH) LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Requisitos previos
Cuidado en Masa: Descripción general
Todos son bienvenidos
Aspectos esenciales de la participación de los socios
Primeros auxilios psicológicos: Ayudar a otros en momentos estresantes

Al servicio de los latinos y las poblaciones diversas es un curso de nivel básico que puede impartirse virtualmente o en persona. Este curso prepara a los voluntarios y al personal para comprender la gestión inclusiva de emergencias, desarrollar estrategias para implicar a poblaciones diversas de forma significativa, generar confianza y aumentar el acceso en comunidades diversas, y mejorar la competencia cultural de la fuerza laboral.
El propósito de este curso es preparar a los voluntarios y al personal de primera línea para que establezcan conexiones con diversas poblaciones históricamente marginadas y desatendidas, especialmente las comunidades hispanohablantes, y colaboren con ellas de una manera cultural y lingüísticamente competente.
avatar for Maria Anguiano

Maria Anguiano

Manager, Diverse Community Investment Program, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Hall C 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

1:00pm EDT

In-Person - Using Shelter Client Information Application (SCIA) Workshop LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
The purpose of this workshop is to prepare participant to register clients in a Red Cross shelter. The Shelter Client Information Application has been designed to enable shelter workers to easily capture basic client information on any phone, tablet or laptop without significant training or technical abilities. This workshop includes an exercise to give participants an opportunity to become familiar and practice registering clients in the system.
Saturday April 5, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
EOC 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

2:00pm EDT

In-Person - Put Down the Pen Workshop on Client Satisfaction LIMITED
Saturday April 5, 2025 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Explore how to better serve Red Cross clients and improve our client satisfaction with this deep dive into Satisfaction and Respect, two elements of the survey clients receive after interacting with Red Cross workers.
avatar for Sue Critz

Sue Critz

Northeast Division, American Red Cross
Saturday April 5, 2025 2:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
1A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019
Sunday, April 6

9:00am EDT

In-Person - Standing Up a Feeding Operation Workshop LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
The purpose of this course is to prepare local Feeding supervisors to successfully perform required feeding tasks to stand up regional/divisional disaster operation. This course includes a feeding exercise to give participants an opportunity to become familiar and practice with Feeding and other operational job tools.
avatar for Mike Arthur

Mike Arthur

Regional Mass Care Manager, American Red Cross
Prereqs Complete
Sunday April 6, 2025 9:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Hall B 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

10:00am EDT

Virtual - Everyone is Welcome LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Everyone is Welcome is a basic instructor-led, virtual instructor-led and web-based course that informs the learner about the Red Cross commitment to excellent service delivery to individuals with access and functional needs, including those with disabilities by inclusion and integration of their varied needs before, during and after disasters. This course also provides tips for providing services to individuals with access and functional needs, including those with disabilities.

The purpose of this course is to describe the concept of providing services to all clients and staff in a manner that recognizes the needs of those with disabilities and other access and functional needs. These efforts promote inclusion of the whole community, so that everyone we serve, and all those we serve with, will feel welcome in all of our service delivery and work sites.

avatar for Elaine Biller

Elaine Biller

Regional Instructor, American Red Cross
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT

10:00am EDT

In-Person - Disaster Action Team Response Fundamentals LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Disaster Action Team Response Fundamentals is a basic level, instructor-led course that provides instructions to new and potential Disaster Action Team (DAT) responders on how to perform tasks and key job duties for local disaster responses as described the in the Disaster Action Team Standards and Procedures. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to respond safely on-scene to local disasters as a member of a Disaster Action Team (DAT). It is designed to orient prospective DAT volunteers to engage in the DAT mission as a valuable member of a team as quickly as possible.

avatar for Mary Davis

Mary Davis

DAT Coordinator, American Red Cross - MNYN
Passionate about being there for people in times of need, I am interested in improving the client experience and ensuring we have a well trained and compassionate workforce. DAT/Mass Care/Instructor
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EDT
1A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

10:00am EDT

In-Person - Transportation Fundamentals LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 12:30pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Logistics: An Overview
Disaster Transportation Tool Fundamentals

Transportation Fundamentals is a basic level course designed for disaster responders interested in becoming Logistics Transportation Activity Service Associates. The purpose of this course is to prepare Transportation workers to successfully perform required Transportation tasks on a regional, divisional, or national level disaster relief operation.

Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 12:30pm EDT
EOC 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

10:00am EDT

In-Person - Collaborating Essentials LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT
Collaborating Essentials is a basic level course designed to promote and support collaboration at the Red Cross. Participants will engage in discussions and scenarios to determine the different skills and behaviors required for building and maintaining internal and external relationships. The course emphasizes the role that collaboration plays in the successful delivery of disaster services.The purpose of this course is to prepare the Disaster Cycle Services workforce to establish and maintain collaborative relationships, ensuring inclusive and effective service delivery.

avatar for Nanci Banninger

Nanci Banninger

Vol Partner, Senior Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
avatar for Brandon Sherr

Brandon Sherr

Regional Instructor, American Red Cross
Brandon has been a Red Cross volunteer since 2005, with the former National Capital Area Chapter (Washington, D.C.) and now with Greater New York. Brandon works in Disaster Cycle Services, focusing on training and mass care. As a government liaison during Hurricane Katrina, Brandon... Read More →
Sunday April 6, 2025 10:00am - 4:00pm EDT
Hall C 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

11:00am EDT

Virtual - Ambassador Program Fundamentals LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
The Ambassador Program on a Disaster Relief Operation is a basic, instructor-led and web-based course designed to describes the role of the Ambassador on a disaster operation.

Charleen Turner

Deployment Regional Program Lead
Sunday April 6, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

11:00am EDT

In-Person - Disaster Assessment Fundamentals V2 LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 11:00am - 3:00pm EDT
Disaster Assessment Fundamentals v2 is a basic level course that is available in two delivery methods: web-based and instructor-led. The course introduces the tasks and responsibilities of Disaster Assessment responders on a disaster relief operation. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to conduct Detailed Damage Assessments (DDAs) accurately, efficiently and safely when assigned to a disaster response.

avatar for Maria Anguiano

Maria Anguiano

Manager, Diverse Community Investment Program, American Red Cross
Sunday April 6, 2025 11:00am - 3:00pm EDT
2D 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

1:00pm EDT

Virtual - Disaster Public Affairs - Media Relations LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Disaster Public Affairs – Media Relations is a basic level course designed to prepare participants to work as part of the public affairs team to effectively tell the Red Cross story to the public through traditional media outlets by using proactive, reactive and interactive tactics

The course is intended to teach Red Cross volunteers and staff who are interested in serving in the Public Affairs activity on national Red Cross relief operations as Service Associates or Supervisors. This course will introduce the critical tasks necessary to initiate a disaster public affairs response with local and regional media. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in case-based scenarios, group exercises, practice activities and open discussions. These participatory activities reinforce important concepts and meet segment objectives.

Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

1:00pm EDT

In-Person - Client Care Bootcamp LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Get credit for five out of six of the required RC Care classes for recovery supervisors at once!
Client Care Program Overview
Detailed Damage Assessment for DAT Response Operations
Client Care Program: Document Review for Intake Workers
Client Care Program: Conducting Follow-Up
Client Care Program: Recovery Planning

Siobhan McGinley

Community Disaster Program Manager, American Red Cross
Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
EOC 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

1:00pm EDT

In-Person: Warehousing Fundamentals LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Disaster Cycle Services: An Overview
Logistics: An Overview
The purpose of this course is to provide participants with skills and knowledge to perform various duties in a DRO warehouse.


Stewart DeGroat

Logistics WHS Team Member, American Red Cross
Sunday April 6, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
1A 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019

3:00pm EDT

In-Person - Survey 123 Workshop for Disaster Assessment LIMITED
Sunday April 6, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
Companion workshop to Disaster Assessment Fundamentals. Hands-on practice using the Disaster Assessment Survey 123 application.

avatar for Maria Anguiano

Maria Anguiano

Manager, Diverse Community Investment Program, American Red Cross
Sunday April 6, 2025 3:00pm - 5:00pm EDT
2D 520 W 49th St, New York NY 10019
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