A completed Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) is required prior to participating in this class. The participant’s supervisor or Community Disaster Program Manager must approve the Application for Disaster Training (Form 5898H) and forward to gny.dwe@redcross.org. See attachment!
Disaster Relief Operation Planning FundamentalsSupervising the Disaster WorkforceCollaborating Essentials
Concept of Operations IntermediateDisaster Relief Operations Planning ManagementOperations Management: Intermediate is an advanced level disaster leadership course. This course is intended for all disaster leaders and is designed for learners to apply concepts and develop their understanding of the Concept of Operations in a no-fault environment to manage up to Level 4 Disaster Relief Operations.
This course is the intermediate tier of the ConOps training strategy for training our workforce to manage Level 3 and 4 operations. The purpose of this course is to prepare disaster leaders to successfully apply the Concept of Operations, required processes, best practices and leadership principles to successfully lead a disaster operation.