Join this exciting and informational session covering Response Escalation in the city that never sleeps. NYC does operational scale up unlike any other metropolitan, not just because it’s serving populations fluctuating from nearly 9 million plus residents a day but to match all the unique qualities that make it the one and only concrete jungle of its kind. All attendees can expect an engaging virtual seminar focusing on NYC Ops from experienced NYC Leaders in this interactive style training.
Get credit for two classes at once! Public Affairs Essentials is a basic level course. The course provides a general overview for Red Cross volunteers and employees who may have contact with traditional media, or use social engagement sites such as Facebook and Instagram. The purpose of this course is to prepare participants to interact with the media and share their Red Cross stories while safeguarding the privacy of the people we serve and work with after a disaster.
Mobilize the Community: An Overview is a basic level course designed to be complementary to published Doctrine: Mobilize the Community Framework and Mobilize the Community Program Essentials. It will highlight key information and provide context to stated Doctrine and not simply re-state what is written. The purpose of this course is to familiarize learners with the Mobilize the Community process as explained in the Framework and Program Essentials documents. It will help to establish a common understanding for how the Red Cross engages with a broad cross-section of the community at the national, regional and local levels by fostering connections and leveraging available resources.